DT Microbiology And PathologyWhat causes tetanus? 

Question 1 of 28

DT Microbiology And PathologyWhat is a non-infective state in microorganisms? 

Question 2 of 28

DT Microbiology And PathologyWhat is inflammation? 

Question 3 of 28

Regulations and Legislations 

From time to time, it may be necessary to share confidential information about patients without their consent, because it is in the public interest to do so. Which one of the following indicates when this circumstance does not apply and information should not be released? 

Question 4 of 28

Regulations and Legislations 

One of your old high school friends attends the surgery for extraction of the upper left second molar tooth. You know her to be an intravenous drug user, but notice that she has not declared this on her medical history form. Which one of the following actions should you take? 

Question 5 of 28

Regulations and Legislations 

Dental nurses are registered dental professionals who provide clinical and other support to registrants and patients. As a GDC registered dental nurse without additional skills, can you undertake the following if you are trained,
competent and indemnified?

Question 6 of 28

Regulations and Legislations 

What is The Professional Duty of Candour? 

Question 7 of 28

Dental Anatomy And Terminology NEBDN Written ExamWhat are class III cavities?

Question 8 of 28

Dental Anatomy And Terminology NEBDN Written ExamWhich tooth surface is this?

Question 9 of 28

Dental Anatomy And Terminology NEBDN Written ExamWhich Class according to Black’s classification is this?



Question 10 of 28

Complications may occur if Gingivitis is left untreated as it may progress into more advanced periodontal diseases which can lead to the following: 


Question 11 of 28

What is subgingival calculus?  

Question 12 of 28

What are pathogenic microorganisms? 

Question 13 of 28

Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam preparationComposite materials are the preferred choice when restoring anterior teeth, as their aesthetics are superior to amalgam and glass ionomer. They are usually presented as a premixed plastic material, which is light-cured to produce setting. Which one of the following is the liquid component of the unset material? 

Question 14 of 28

Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam preparationDuring the restoration of a particularly deep cavity in the upper left first premolar tooth, the dentist must carefully remove the caries overlying the pulp chamber, without causing an exposure. Which one of the following instruments is used to achieve this? 

Question 15 of 28

Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam preparationCalcium hydroxide cement is a widely used dental material. It can be presented as a chemical setting paste system or as a single paste light cure preparation. Which one of the following situations is one where this material would not be used? 

Question 16 of 28

Waste Regulations And COSHH by Dental TutorsMercury is a liquid metal used in restorative dentistry to form amalgam. It is toxic to body tissues if inhaled, absorbed or ingested, and requires careful handling if a spillage occurs. Which one of the following is the correct action to take following a small spillage?

Question 17 of 28

Waste Regulations And COSHH by Dental TutorsVarious techniques are available within the dental workplace to reduce the risk of cross-infection. Which one of the following methods reduces the risk of cross-infection to zero?

Question 18 of 28

Waste Regulations And COSHH by Dental Tutors

What does the warning symbol below mean?


Question 19 of 28

Fire Safety by Dental TutorsWhat are Class F fires? 

Question 20 of 28

Fire Safety by Dental TutorsWhat colour band will help you to identify a Water extinguisher? 

Question 21 of 28

Fire Safety by Dental TutorsWhat is not needed for combustion? 

Question 22 of 28

Dental Instruments Exam by Dental Tutors

What is the instrument below called?

Ball burnisher

Question 23 of 28

Dental Instruments Exam by Dental Tutors

What is the instrument below called?

Three in one syringe

Question 24 of 28

Dental Instruments Exam by Dental Tutors

What is the instrument below called?

Upper extraction forceps

Question 25 of 28

Endodontics Quiz by Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam

When permanent teeth in children are traumatised, death of the pulp is not an inevitable consequence and a pulpotomy procedure can be carried out. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for using calcium hydroxide in this procedure?


Question 26 of 28

Endodontics Quiz by Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam

The dentist is carrying out root canal therapy on the upper left second premolar tooth. All the caries has been removed and the dentist now needs to gain access to the root canal. Which one of the following instruments are you most likely to pass to the dentist?


Question 27 of 28

Endodontics Quiz by Dental Tutors NEBDN Written Exam

During root canal therapy, the dentist will use various specialised endodontic instruments to carry out each stage of the treatment. Which one of the following instruments is used to condense the filling material into the canal?


Question 28 of 28